To God Be The Glory.
In Christ, Greetings to you All,
All praises to God, the father, creator of heavens and earth. Today the 13th of February 2020, Thursday, SERAPHIM FOUNDATION, came into existence.
The core intent to form this organization is to bring all Christians of India under one roof. Generally speaking, having this sort of intent or having an idea of that extent is not less than an exaggeration. As a matter of fact, this is an impossible task. Yes, my dear, it is really, impossible, from the human point of view. But it is possible for God.
“Seraphim” is a plural in Hebrews, and its singular being “Seraph”, which stands for an “Angel”.
We find a variety of categories of angels in Bible, amongst which, Seraphim fall in the highest order of class like Cherubim. They are fire bodied and having six wings. Of which they cover their feet with two and face with two and with remaining two they fly. This description is found at Joshua 6:2
Humans communicate with God through prayers, but God has to communicate with human beings through angels. Out of that Seraphim are archangels, constantly in the presence of God, the father, praising Him and obeying His commands. Having taken similar name, Seraphim Foundation shall give glory to God, the almighty and obey His commands, all the time.
likewise, Seraphim Foundation shall work strictly on principles guided by the Holy Scripture and follow all the Biblical methods alone. World and any of worldly methods shall not be used by Seraphim Foundation. There shall need no compromise or adjustment with the worldly means for the growth of the Foundation.
This is the divine promise by which we will walk.
Seraphim Foundation is Registered under the ‘Societies Registration Act 1860 with registration number as Sangli/27/2020 and shall follow democratic, transparent and accountable administration. Here nobody can claim its permanent custody as a Trustee since all the Office Bearers shall be chosen by elections by its bona-fide members, every four years. All privileges, responsibilities, and authority of Office Bearers shall be in public domain. Being Christians, we need not to keep anything in dark in order to hide it from anybody.
and again, a transparent and clean work ethic shall be adopted as per
Before exploring any further in to the methodology of the Seraphim Foundation, it is important to bear the following points in our minds.