To God Be The Glory.

In Christ, Greetings to you All,

All praises to God, the father, creator of heavens and earth. Today the 13th of February 2020, Thursday, SERAPHIM FOUNDATION, came into existence.
The core intent to form this organization is to bring all Christians of India under one roof. Generally speaking, having this sort of intent or having an idea of that extent is not less than an exaggeration. As a matter of fact, this is an impossible task. Yes, my dear, it is really, impossible, from the human point of view. But it is possible for God.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Mathew 19:26

“Seraphim” is a plural in Hebrews, and its singular being “Seraph”, which stands for an “Angel”.

We find a variety of categories of angels in Bible, amongst which, Seraphim fall in the highest order of class like Cherubim. They are fire bodied and having six wings. Of which they cover their feet with two and face with two and with remaining two they fly. This description is found at Joshua 6:2
Humans communicate with God through prayers, but God has to communicate with human beings through angels. Out of that Seraphim are archangels, constantly in the presence of God, the father, praising Him and obeying His commands.

Having taken similar name, Seraphim Foundation shall give glory to God, the almighty and obey His commands, all the time.

Aims and Objectives

To promote the interests of the Christian Community of India at large.

It is realized that the Christian community in India is in a dire need of a holistic approach to its very existence as a community.

To ensure, for our community, the Fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Though India is a Democratic, Secular country, some times, there is an apprehension of violation of fundamental rights of Christians in this country under many pretexts. So, somehow we need to address this issue in a more effective and concrete way.

To define and make sense of the civic, social and national consciousness of Christians, to help them play a useful and effective role in the public life of the country and to make their full contribution to the national unity and welfare, as a citizen.

We may boast our spiritual integrity, but our social standing is lacking in terms of its involvement and assimilation. Generally speaking our Religious Teachings and Social life seems to be not integrated in a meaningful union.

To establish Legal Aid and Counseling Cells in all States in India so as to educate ourselves legally and socially.

Information is power, therefore, it is imperative to keep ourselves updated, especially on the legal front. Timely help and counseling has very few options. Lest we fall prey to undeserving conditions.

To accommodate different Faiths and Doctrines of Indian Christians.

It should not be much difficult to recognize and respect different gifts of the Holy Spirit amongst our own Brethren. But, of course, it is tactful.

To provide a common platform for all religious matters concerning Indian Christian Community, purely based on the Holy Scripture.

We need a common religious platform to come together as a community. While the Holy Bible is the basis of all denominations, it strongly points toward a natural coexistence.

To protect Christian Institutes and Properties and to utilize them in more and more effective manner.

We are already paying a high price for turning a blind eye on fire in the neighbor’s house. It is the demand of the time and situation that we guard our own house unitedly. Underutilization of our blessings is nothing less than a crime.

To establish a well-defined system in all States to work as an effective instrument to come together as one body of Lord Jesus Christ.

This is where Seraphim Foundation comes into play to provide such a SYSTEM, where all Christians can communicate with each other freely, irrespective of denominational limitations.

To start a Centralized Communication Center for effective and fast communication and interaction through electronic media such as, central database, website, internet, print media, social sites, cell phones etc.

In order to do anything regarding a community, we have to have a factual figure of three entities, namely, who we are, where we are and how many we are. And to fulfill this tedious demand we need a centralized database and an effective way of interaction.

To establish a Public Affairs cell (PR) to interact with Central and State Governments and other statutory bodies on issues pertaining to Christian Establishments, Religious affairs and civil rights. In addition, to project a well justified image of Christian Community to the Government of India and to co-citizens of this country.

Give the Emperor what belongs to him and give God what belongs to God. We, probably, have tried to give God what belongs to him, but we have grossly missed on commitments towards Emperor. And to take care of this aspect of our community we need a PR cell.

To Represent Indian Christian Community at all India level.

There is no denial that a proper representation of a community is of paramount importance for its very recognition as a community in the first place. Indian democracy is governed by representatives of the people of India and not by any other way.

Services We Offer